måndag 8 november 2010

Say Hi to exhausted!

Can you see how tired i am? haha :)

But anyways, GUESS WHAT ?
Today was the first day of school after i've had one week of autumn break.
It was actually really tireing since I just felt like i wanted to go back to my room and pull the cover over my head so I could just get some rest.
It somehow tells me now that getting to bed late the day before school, NOT such a good idea haha :)

So anyways, todays school..I started at 8.45 am and had a history class, so i mostly sat through the whole lesson looking for facts about the acient greece at the computer and then i had 2 hours and 30 minutes lunch and then art class, where i FINALLY finished my comic that i had to do.

we were doing a comic on the book we've read in swedish class, I've read this really good book called "Fallen Girl" by Christina Wahldén. Which was about a girl who basically got pushed down her balcony by her father and big brother because she was starting to rebell a little bit against them by not wanting to get married and wanted to keep studying.

Its a really sad book, which is partly why i loved it so much.
I also got to know that in 2007 there were atleast 4 girls here in sweden who "fell" down from their balkonies. Which i personally think is effed up because ..i just dont get the whole honor killing thing, and i proberbly never will since i dont think its something to understand, in my head its just simply wrong. end of story.

But anyways here's my comic that i made :)
it looks a little bit weird..but hey, i think it came out pretty decent ^^

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