fredag 12 november 2010


So My plan to start weightloss program yeasterday didnt work so well..because..yeah i got EFFING SICK, and well..not being able to speak, breath through your nose, and sneezing so it feels like your about to throw up AND actually throwing up...not really feeling that its a great time to start with it I'm proberbly going to start with it on monday, when im hopefully healthy and good to go :)

So Anyways..this day kind of sucked..because well i was sick and then my internet didnt work before like now so my whole day has been computer free, which is good by i was bored out of my mind, so bored i even talked to my cat even though i shouldnt talk because my voice is all messed up..

Also today i got to know that one of my friends proberbly needed me and i wasnt able to be there for her D:
kind of just going to have to see tomorrow if she loggs in on msn or something so i can check with her whats going on o.o.
i hate not being able to be there for the people i care ebout >:

Imma Eat your brains...

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