tisdag 19 oktober 2010


Why isn't kpop like this anymore?
he looks so cool srsly with the glasses and the clothes and his voice...
..i cant help but to love it :D

Why isnt kpop original anymore?
before the groups were more diffrent if you ask me.
Like when i started listening there were only a few popular groups like; Girls Generation, Wonder Girls, SHINee (had just debuted actually),KARA, Super Junior and Big Bang.
Those were the only groups that came to my mind when it came to kpop.
But now there is like new group or comeback every week, its pretty tireing to keep up to...I miss when i could just like...long for a comeback to come or when i was like "hmm...nothings up...i'm going to watch what happend waaay back in kpop"
and when i looked at it now...there was so much more diffrense in groups. now all of them are pretty much the same (MUSIC WISE).
like..B2ST, MBLAQ, Dalmation etc. aren't they pretty much the same in a way?
i mean ofc...the members are diffrent and all but the music? isnt it like...actually pretty much alike?

What do you think about the music industry nowdays?
please share :)

Ayumi Lee's Version of the song Wrongful meeting
(i actually like this one too though xD)...

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