lördag 25 september 2010

My safe place on earth...

So today, i guess i'm pretty bored right now and like...has thoughts in my head that i shouldnt have?

I feel like im just boothering people today and is like...annoying towards everybody, dont really know why.
I guess i have a problem ..with..whats it called..acceptens?
i've never really felt accepted with anybody and kind of always assume that they think im annoying etc.
I just feel like hiding in my bed all day listening to some music or watch a good movie like..maybe horror...and just..shut out the rest od the world, has that feeling ever gotten in to your mind? wanting to shut everybody and everything else out, i mean.

maybe thats what i will do tomorrow? shut the world out and just ...hide inside my room where everything feels safe^^
unfourtunally that wont work..i have to work tomorrow and clean tha stupid office xD
but hey i cant complian, i get paid :3

anyways...i think im gonna actully go make myself some hot chocolate or take a glass of cola and just ..watch a horror movie and maybe keep chatting with the people im talking with right now and just forgett about my insecurities..and just..be the usual good old me?:)

a song i've been basically been addicted to all day o.o ..

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