torsdag 5 augusti 2010

Here Comes A Regular...

........And here goes a carreer
haha, I've been pretty much an addict to that song now... Paul Westerberg - Here Comes A Regular.
Even though he doesnt have the greatest voice, i dont know, i just cant help but to love everything about it^^

But Anyways.. Today i haven't done so much mostly been watching movies and sitting by the computer, ´my mind has been really off today though. But then i started watchig these "old" korean songs, or well..they're not THAT old but it feels like i listened to them for the first time 1000 years ago o.o..

So what i've seen mostly today is:

Feels like it was in another life that i first heard those songs now ^^
And i cant help but to notice how much kpop has changed over the years now..o.o...

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