torsdag 16 december 2010

Say hi to...

SO people..its been a while since i last blogged and be honest..i've just not had the time to and well..hadnt had any insperation to do it either..and well honestly...i still dont have that much insperation to write
but i decided that..well.. im still going to write.

So these days i've kind of been doubting on mostly.
or well..not life but all of it.

I've just become so fed up with all of us humans who are so selfish and cold. Its like..where had the morals gone and what happend to taking care of eachother?
nowdays all of us just care about ourselves and one else. and im just getting so tired of how it feels like i stand still in this town watching all of the people pass me by and just.........i feel like all of the people have become zombies....
and like..its just..making me irritated.

btw. did you know that there was a suicide bomber in stockholm (swedens capital city) now just a couple of days ago?
luckily enough there wasnt that many people hurt but it has still terrefied alot of people and well..that is mostly what bombing are supposed to do. scare.

tisdag 7 december 2010


You can flee with your wounds just in time or lie there as he feeds
Watching yourself ripped to shreds and laughing as you bleed

So for those of you falling in love keep it kind
Keep it good
Keep it right
Throw yourself in the midst of danger but keep one eye open at night

Say Hi To...

A sick Josefin...

So today i checked my tempeture and i hade a fever and i just felt like i wanted to lay down and die. I didn't though..xD
But i guess since i've been feeling kind of bad mentally lately (or well..its gone up and down) is why i'm getting sick now, its usually like that, but hopefully it'll go away soon :)

Today, i've mostly rested and have been drinking cola that well..didnt have any carboinic acid in it because apparently even though its disgusting it's good for you when you feel like you're gonna throw up etc. so :)
And i've been listening to Rachael Yamagata..she is really one of my biggest addiction right now, i LOVE her work seriously ^^

Anyways i will put up a post later on today about my day yeasterday that was pretty good, we were celebrated my moms husbands birthday and their 2 years weddinf anniversary by eating out in a really nice resturant :)

Hope You have a nice day and remember..CHRISTMAS is comming up!!! :D

tisdag 30 november 2010

Say hi to...

My night thoughts.

Take my hand and lets fly away to the land of dreams where there's nothing else but peace, love, happyness and calmness.

Tonight I literally felt my own heart break to a thousands of peices.
I hide my pain inside the many layers of jokes and laughters.
And i guess...its kind of obviouse, my biggest problem though is that whenever i feel sad or depressed my body gets ill too, i get sick when im sad and its really not good, but there's not much i can do about it either.

I feel like my heart and soul is broken in a bunch of peices and i would love to fix them all but..i guess its easier to say that "im going to get happy, just give me some time" but what we all dont get is that..happyness is a mood that we honestly dont feel all that much, and its not a destination, you cant wish to get happy because we always find something that makes us sad and makes us selfdestruct.

God createt the earths biggest threat, the humans.
And we humans are either busy destroying eachother or ourselves.

We fear things and we always look down on ourselves
We want what we cant have
We hide our sadness with shallowness and by trying to get confirmation by others.
Like for us girls, we destroy eachother and search for guys to tell us that we're good enough.

We work so hard on being everything, especially us girls.
us girls this is what most people think we should be, even we try to follow it.
we're not supposed to be fat and definitly not too thin
not smart but not dumb
friendly but not too friendly
dont be a whore, but dont be a prude either.
look good but not to good.
stand out but not so much that people will notice you too much
and ofcourse the golden rule, be yourself, but make sure you fit in.

We people are proberbly the funniest and most retarded thing out there, arent we?
we hide our true feelings and ways by covering it up with the complete opposite.
We hide our desperation for love and confirmation by hornyness and shallowness.
We want to be the best without standing out to much
We dont want people to talk trash about us but still do it towards others.

i gotta feeling...

that i want to chop off my freaking left leg and arm!!!!

Srsly...I was on my way to the buss station, and since my buss was supposed to go in like...4 minutes i decided to run, NOT A GOOD IDEA...just saying...
I fell on the, whatever, what's important here is that i fell and left hand and leg is in extreeeme pain its like..not even funny how much it hurts D:

Someone wanna chop it off for me?:D

Almost figured out


So I'm at school right now...sitting in my class, trying to listen to my stuttering teacher.
But mosly im just ...doing other things on the computer being on Facebook, youtube etc.

But anyways so I've been thinking alot about what i want to do after im done studying and i've talked alot with teachers at my school that i really wanted to study abroad in countries like..Japan or South Korea.
But then one of my teachers told med about this "travel and teach" program.
Which is that you can basically go to a contry like south korea and teach english.
english teachers is definitly needed in asian countries too so this thing really got me going, i'm studiyng more than ever now just because i want to be able to do ..well hopefully both of these things :)

You think i could make it as an english teacher in south korea or japan?:)
I got two and a half years left before i graduate i can train my ass off at being able to EXPLAIN english :D