fredag 30 juli 2010


I have FINALLY brought myself to watch the korean horror movie "Yoga".
I have been wanting to see it for a long time, but i've always been like... too scared to see it because of the trailer ...xD


Looks pretty scary right? >8D
But anyways..... even though the trailer is totally awesome i was REALLY dissapointed on it....
Because well..i was expecting this to be REALLY scary, but i barley jumped up from my seat once, and since this was a horror movie, thats not good xD
But then again, this sort of horror isn't really that kind that gets me scared.

So the movie was basically about a woman called Hyo-Jung, who decides to take this ..very low key yoga class, after she got fired because of how she looked. So her friend who she hadn't met for a while suggested that she should take this class, that she had taken herself and got to be a whole new person. So when Hyo-jung got the place where the class was gonna be she met these other girls who where there to take the class to.
But to take this class you had to fallow FIVE rules,
1. do not eat,
2. do not take showers within an hour after the class,
3. do not look at the mirror,
4. do not go out of the building,
5. do not call anyone.

As the week they're there the girls get tempted to break the rules, and as they break them, horrible things happen to them.

I would give this movie 2 umbrellas out of 5 xDDD
Because it was good, but then its not a movie i would watch again and it was confusing as hell (i still dont understand the ending xD) so o.o..

onsdag 28 juli 2010

Sungha jung = AMAZING~

Look at what i stumbled over when i was watching videos on youtube today, that he's born 1996 is just..i will never understand it xD he's two years younger than me D: and i cant even play guitarr a little bit..xD

But Anyways, i wish him ALOT of success, he really do deserve it :3
he is really truly AMAZING, so LETS support him aah? xD


Today I'm really like...i dont know i feel a little bit sick D:
Maybe it's because i haven't had enough sleep or something..or because i just ate a little bit more than i should've xD i can't wait to find out.. xD

So anyways yeasterday i went to a city here in Sweden called "Helsingborg" with my grandmother and mom ^^ it's a tradition we have, we do it like once every summer :)
So anyways i woke up at ...8 a.m. or something, which is TO early for me.. especially since i got to bed at 4.30 a.m. xD
So I got up and then after gettint my stuff etc. we got in the car and drove down to pick up my grandmother.

ofcourse we had one more stop before we could drive down to Helsingborg, which was at my great grandmothers grave, we stopped by there to give her some flowers, which for me fealt really good, since i hadn't been there for about a year ^^'''

But anyways then we just hit the road again and drove down to helsingborg ^^
Once we got there my mom and my grandmother wanted to go into IKEA (sweden's pride hahaha xD) ..which i wasn't THAAAT intrested in, so when they went there i got into the big shopping center called "väla" where i bought ALOT of things ^^
Like..i bought 5 diffrent sort of shirts, a pair of leggins, one pair of socks, a hairbow, earings, a callendar (for school xD), some sort of stuffed animal, a cellphone accessory that was like bigger than my phone xD aaand bowl ..xD

After we went and got a burger, and then left for the to explain xD) and went around in diffrent kind of store's and there i bought a morning robe >8D
then we went and grabbed some indian food...saddly mine wasnt as good as i thought it would be >.> so i ended up stealing food from my mom and grandmother xD

we walked around a little bit more and then got to the theather we were gonna wacth ^^
and it really was HILARIOUS this year xD

AND THEEEEEN we got straight home ^^ ipod died on the way home i wasnt all that happy..xD

måndag 26 juli 2010

work work work...

so right now I'm taking a little break from helping my family with cleaning up in the back yard....
Or well..they don't know i'm on this break, but hey, what you don't know, wont hurt you, right? :P

So anyways, we have just like....gotten rid of our old ...VERY old garage and now there's TONS of shit for us to clean up ._.'s at moments like these i wish i was at my dad's place right now xD

But anyways back to work...before they go bilistic without my wonderful present xD

Song/video of the day ~

I really love it, it's really sweet, and seeing SeungHo with that little boy made me all tear eyed ><
I didnt atleast, IU i knew could sing though...her voice is just simply amazing so ^^

fredag 23 juli 2010

eventful day ...xD

So my day today have actually been really good, i woke up at 11:30 a.m.
I got up and not gonna lie, i just grabbed my computer and stayed in bed for a while xD
But then i got a text from Lena (My best friend ^^) which was very sudden for me because last time i checked she had gone to vietnam with her family, but then i got to know she was home and had been home for like...what could it have been 2 days?
So we went out a little bit later at 3 p.m. when to the store and bought some ...other...healthy stuff....XD

Then we went just past our school who has this pizza place right next to it, so we went in bought some kebab and stuff...(and then ofcourse with my luck, my kebeb plate did NOT get a knife and fork, so i actually had to improvise and eat with my hand xD)
then we kept walking to her and i got PRESENTS from her that she had bought for me in vietnam, 5 cute erasors, a pencilcase, pastell crayons and then a this thing you have over your mouth when your sick...(I've always wanted one of those..XD)
then we hung out for a little bit more and then i met up with sundes and we hung out for a while, and later i got home, at like 10 p.m. and sat down by my computer right away again... xD

So well..there's the main thing in this text, my days starts and ends with computer haha XD

First Post~YEAY!

Hellow ^^
So this is my FIRST post, not that many people will see this one, but a girl can dream right? xD

Here on this blog i'm will most likely write about things that i like or don't like, movies, dramas, music i like (which is alot, and all difrent kinds of music, you will never know what song i will pull up of my sleeve :D )

Main reason i started this blog was proberbly because..well i've been wanting to get one for a long time now. But also because i kind of need a way to express myself, and i really need to get better on writing down my thoughts, because believe it or not, i have a REALLY hard time to write without all of my thoughts getting tangled into eachother so thought this might be good practise for me, so if i do anything to damn confusing me, and i will try to straighten it out ^^